Tuesday, October 3, 2017

6 Reasons to Have Your Own Business Podcast

The world is in desperate need of another podcast.

Okay. That may not be true. 

But if a business podcast is something that will provide opportunities for you, your customers and your business, why scoff at the idea of having one? Could be you just enjoy scoffing.

But here’s the deal.

Podcasting Is A Pretty Cool Idea

At least, we think it is. But is it a pretty cool idea for you? THAT’S the big question.

So before you dive headlong into creating a podcast, you need to strategize a little. And by strategize, we mean you should be able to answer the following questions:

  • Why do you want to podcast?
  • Do you have an understanding of your audience?
  • Can you give your audience what they want?
  • Do you have the time and resources to do this?
  • Are you able to set up a process to streamline these efforts?
  • Do you like movies about gladiators?

Obviously, we’re joking about the last one. Your opinion on gladiator movies has no bearing on your decision to start a podcast. Nor should it. (Unless you’re the world’s foremost authority on and purveyor of gladiator movies.) 

But establishing a vision of where you want your business podcast to go and what you’d like to get out of it is crucial. 

So if you’ve considered a business podcast and have solid answers to the above questions, you’re ready to roll. Go away and have at it.

But for those of you still in apprehensive scoff mode, we’ve got this for you:

6 Awesome Reasons to Have A Business Podcast

Ready to have your mind blown? 

If not, then you’ll instead want to read on to learn the myriad reasons to start a podcast.  

1. Getting Started Isn’t All That Hard 

Truly. It isn’t. There are three basic items you’ll need.

First you need a microphone. You don’t want the cheapest
model, but it doesn’t have to be high tech either. It just has to work. 

Second, you need a way to record - whether it’s yourself, a conversation/interview with guests, or your Uncle Larry’s singing goats - the last of which we highly discourage.

And finally you’ll need a way to share content with your business podcast audience. Once all of that’s in place, then you’ve got all the “things” you need. 

There are numerous tools to help you along with post production, podcast hosting, transcripts and the sort. You’ll find them on the magical interweb. 

2. A Business Podcast Can Increase Traffic to Your Website

Well, how in the world does is do that?

1. The audio portion of your podcast - and lack of singing
goats - builds your credibility as an authority on your topic so people want to visit your website to learn more. 

2. Ideally, your business podcast comes with show notes and if people are on your site reviewing those notes, they’re more likely to visit other areas of your site too.

That’s how.

3. It Is Great for Networking and Building Referrals

Picture it.

You’re interviewing fascinating people on your podcast. Soon they’re reaching out to you to be a guest on theirs. Before you know it, you’re all over the place. You are what the proverbial hubbub is all about. 

And increased visibility means more connections and more referrals. Simple as that.  

Plus, regularly contributing to your business podcast refines your public speaking skills, which gets you speaking gigs, which further establishes your credibility, which makes you interesting. Don’t you want to be interesting?

4. You’ll Establish An Emotional Connection with Your Audience

Simply hearing your voice on a regular basis gives your audience the sense that they know you; allowing for a deeper relationship to develop. 

With this deeper relationship comes trust and an emotional connection that makes them want to follow your brand and buy from you - all achieved with neither the holding of hands nor the singing of Kumbaya. 

5. Podcasting Is Long-Form Content That People WANT

When it comes to reading, people want shorter bits of information such as are found in videos and blog posts.

But people engaged with your business podcast know
they’re in it for the long haul. And that’s cool because they can listen while sitting in traffic, going for a walk or knitting hamster jackets to sell on their unique new e-commerce website.

What that means for you is a larger platform to showcase your knowledge and expertise.

6. You Can Then Repurpose That Content

Since this one is so deeply linked to number five, it should probably be 5 1/2. But then we’d have to change the title of this post.

Anyhow, since podcasting is audio-based, you can take all of that long form content and repurpose it into other forms of content like a video or a blog post. Maybe even a whole blog post series! And all without pulling out your hair or reinventing the wheel to come up with new ideas.

Thus, A Business Podcast Can Be A Sound Marketing Strategy

If you’re now feeling more inclined toward doing a business podcast, you can always seek out the counsel of experts in marketing strategy to help you.

Who knows. You may soon be part of the jet-setter podcasting elite. And we can say we knew you when…

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